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Rance 4 Legacy Of The Sect

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Sectioning a township (36 sections).

Section 4 - Grawl and Fleshreavers There are a lot of grawl filling this place. There will be a couple traps here, with a swiftness orb right after you turn to the right. The Legacy Ranch also provides riding lessons, parties and events. Our dream of creating this facility came from the tragic death of our dear friend, Anne Swaney, who was an avid equestrian and philanthropist. We are proud to provide her with a living legacy that honors her memory and continues to further her belief that horses can heal and all. The beauty of a magnetic allure is heightened by the amber notes which enswathe your skin in a delicately intoxicating caress. Legacy of Secrecy continues the call for release of additional documents related to AMWORLD and other matters. Author Lamar Waldron has called attention to a 2000 OMB Watch report entitled A Presumption of Disclosure, which reviewed the performance of the Assassination Records Review Board, noting accomplishments but also making the claim that.

Perfectly square 40-acre quarter-quarter sections of farmland cover Central Indiana.
Satellite image of crops growing in Kansas, mainly using center pivot irrigation. The primary grid pattern is of quarter sections (12 mi × 12 mi (800 m × 800 m)).

In U.S. land surveying under the Public Land Survey System (PLSS), a section is an area nominally one square mile (2.6 square kilometers), containing 640 acres (260 hectares), with 36 sections making up one survey township on a rectangular grid.[1]

The legal description of a tract of land under the PLSS includes the name of the state, name of the county, township number, range number, section number, and portion of a section. Sections are customarily surveyed into smaller squares by repeated halving and quartering. A quarter section is 160 acres (65 ha) and a 'quarter-quarter section' is 40 acres (16 ha). In 1832 the smallest area of land that could be acquired was reduced to the 40-acre (16 ha) quarter-quarter section, and this size parcel became entrenched in American mythology. After the Civil War, freedmen (freed slaves) were reckoned to be self-sufficient with '40 acres and a mule.' In the 20th century real estate developers preferred working with 40-acre (16 ha) parcels.[2] The phrases 'front 40' and 'back 40,' referring to farm fields, indicate the front and back quarter-quarter sections of land.

One of the reasons for creating sections of 640 acres (260 ha) was the ease of dividing into halves and quarters while still maintaining a whole number of acres. A section can be halved seven times in this way, down to a 5-acre (2 ha) parcel, or half of a quarter-quarter-quarter section—an easily surveyed 50-square-chain (2 ha) area. This system was of great practical value on the American frontier, where surveyors often had a shaky grasp of mathematics and were required to work quickly.[2]

A description of a quarter-quarter section in standard abbreviated form, might look like 'NW 1/4, NE 1/4, Sec. 34, T.3S, R.1W, 1st P.M.' or, alternatively, '34-3-1 NW4NE4 1PM'. In expanded form this would read 'the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 34 of Township 3 South, Range 1 West, first Principal Meridian'.[3]


The existence of section lines made property descriptions far more straightforward than the old metes and bounds system. The establishment of standard east-west and north-south lines ('township' and 'range lines') meant that deeds could be written without regard to temporary terrain features such as trees, piles of rocks, fences, and the like, and be worded in the style such as 'Lying and being in Township 4 North; Range 7 West; and being the northwest quadrant of the southwest quadrant of said section,' an exact description in this case of 40 acres, as there are 640 acres (260 ha) in a square mile.

The importance of 'sections' was greatly enhanced by the passage of 'An Ordinance for ascertaining the mode of disposing of lands in the Western Territory' of 1785 by the U.S. Congress (see Land Ordinance of 1785). This law provided that lands outside the then-existing states could not be sold, otherwise distributed, or opened for settlement prior to being surveyed. The standard way of doing this was to divide the land into sections. An area six sections by six sections would define a township. Within this area, one section was designated as school land. As the entire parcel would not be necessary for the school and its grounds, the balance of it was to be sold, with the monies to go into the construction and upkeep of the school.

Roads and urban planning[edit]

Numbering within a township[edit]

Every township is divided into 36 sections, each usually 1 mile (1.6 km) square. Sections are numbered boustrophedonically within townships[3] as follows (north at top):


Section subdivisions[edit]

Sections can be divided into quarter sections New total english pdf. of 160 acres (65 ha), named by intercardinal direction (northwest, northeast, etc.). For instance, the southwest quarter of a section is named SW 1/4.[4]


Sections can be further broken up into 40-acre (16 ha) blocks, or quarter-quarter sections. These add a second intercardinal direction label. For instance, the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter section mentioned above is labeled SE 1/4, SW 1/4:[4][5]


Measurement anomalies[edit]

The curvature of the earth makes it impossible to superimpose a regular grid on its surface, as the meridians converge toward the North Pole. As the U.S. is in the Northern Hemisphere, if a section's or township's east and west sides lie along meridians, its north side is shorter than its south side. As sections were surveyed from south and east to north and west, accumulated errors and distortions resulted on the north and west lines, and north and west sections diverge the most from the ideal shape and size.

The entire township grid shifts to account for the earth's curvature. Where the grid is corrected, or where two grids based on different principal meridians meet, section shapes are irregular.

Sections also differ from the PLSS ideal of one square mile for other reasons, including errors and sloppy work by surveyors, poor instrumentation, and difficult terrain. In addition, the primary survey tool was the magnetic compass, which is influenced by local irregularities.

Once established, even an imperfect grid remains in force, mainly because the monuments of the original survey, when recovered, hold legal precedent over subsequent resurveys.[3]

Alternatives and legacy systems[edit]

The Public Land Survey System was not the first to define and implement a survey grid. A number of similar systems were established, often using terms like section and township but not necessarily in the same way. For example, the lands of the Holland Purchase in western New York were surveyed into a township grid before the PLSS was established. In colonial New England land was often divided into squares called towns or townships, and further subdivided into parcels called lots or sections.[2]

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Sections are also used in land descriptions in the portion of northwestern Georgia that was formerly part of the territory of the Cherokee Nation. They are not, however, part of the PLSS and are irregular in shape and size. See Cherokee County, Georgia for more information on the historical reasons for this.

Another exception to the usual use of sections and section numbering occurs when most of a parcel, or lot, falls under a body of water. The term 'government lot' is used for such parcels and they are usually described separately from the rest of the section using single numbers (such as 'Government Lot 5 of Section 15'). Also, parcels within a plattedsubdivision are often specified by lot number rather than using PLSS descriptions.[3]

Where Spanish land grants in Florida have descriptions that predate PLSS or even the U.S. itself, deviation from typical section numbering and size and shape often takes place. In an effort to honor these land grants after the U.S. took control of Florida, surveyors would use descriptions from confirmed land grants to establish their initial boundaries and created PLSS sections that extrapolated from those lines. Often, the amount of land left over in areas immediately surrounding the grants was grossly undersized or awkwardly shaped. Those tracts are referred to as 'fractional sections' and often are not subject to township or range definitions. An example of such a legal description's beginning would read 'Being a portion of Fractional Sec. 59, Township 0 South, Range 0 West'.

Also, land north of the Watson Line near the Georgia border was not subject to the standard U.S. section, township and range designations, since the State of Georgia had claimed and laid out counties and surveyed its public lands south to that line into what eventually became part of the State of Florida. The exact location of the Georgia–Florida state line was ultimately confirmed by an Act of Congress, approved April 9, 1872.

See also[edit]

  • Canadian Dominion Land Survey



Sections are also used in land descriptions in the portion of northwestern Georgia that was formerly part of the territory of the Cherokee Nation. They are not, however, part of the PLSS and are irregular in shape and size. See Cherokee County, Georgia for more information on the historical reasons for this.

Another exception to the usual use of sections and section numbering occurs when most of a parcel, or lot, falls under a body of water. The term 'government lot' is used for such parcels and they are usually described separately from the rest of the section using single numbers (such as 'Government Lot 5 of Section 15'). Also, parcels within a plattedsubdivision are often specified by lot number rather than using PLSS descriptions.[3]

Where Spanish land grants in Florida have descriptions that predate PLSS or even the U.S. itself, deviation from typical section numbering and size and shape often takes place. In an effort to honor these land grants after the U.S. took control of Florida, surveyors would use descriptions from confirmed land grants to establish their initial boundaries and created PLSS sections that extrapolated from those lines. Often, the amount of land left over in areas immediately surrounding the grants was grossly undersized or awkwardly shaped. Those tracts are referred to as 'fractional sections' and often are not subject to township or range definitions. An example of such a legal description's beginning would read 'Being a portion of Fractional Sec. 59, Township 0 South, Range 0 West'.

Also, land north of the Watson Line near the Georgia border was not subject to the standard U.S. section, township and range designations, since the State of Georgia had claimed and laid out counties and surveyed its public lands south to that line into what eventually became part of the State of Florida. The exact location of the Georgia–Florida state line was ultimately confirmed by an Act of Congress, approved April 9, 1872.

See also[edit]

  • Canadian Dominion Land Survey


  1. ^White, C. Albert (1983). A History of the Rectangular Survey System(PDF). Washington, D.C.: United States Bureau of Land Management.
  2. ^ abcLinklater, Andro (2002). Measuring America: How the United States Was Shaped By the Greatest Land Sale in History. Plume. pp. 72, 166, 234. ISBN0-452-28459-7.
  3. ^ abcdMuehrcke, Phillip C.; Muehrcke, Juliana O.; Kimerling, A. Jon (2001). Map Use: Reading, Analysis, and Interpretation (4th ed.). JP Publications. pp. 234–239. ISBN0-9602978-5-5.
  4. ^ ab'Tutorial on the Public Land Survey System Descriptions'(PDF). Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Retrieved 2020-01-14.
  5. ^Murray, William Gordon (1969). Farm Appraisal and Valuation (5th ed.). Ames: Iowa State University Press. p. 53. ISBN9780813805702. OCLC246381719.

Further reading[edit]

  • Raymond, William Galt (1914). Plane Surveying for Use in the Classroom and Field. New York: American Book Company.
  • Johnson, Hildegard Binder. Order Upon the Land: The U. S. Rectangular Land Survey and the Upper Mississippi Country. Oxford University Press, 1976.
Retrieved from ''

There are a variety of tax laws that help protect farm and ranch individuals, partnerships and family corporations from estate taxes including 2032A Special Use Valuation. Section 2032A was implemented to allow agricultural land owners to determine the value of their property based on the use value rather than the potential development value.

The maximum reduction in property value under 2032A was established in 1997 at $750,000 and is adjusted annually for inflation. Currently, the inflation-adjusted maximum adjustment for 2032A is $1.16 million – 55% higher than the value established more than two decades ago. Meanwhile, during this same time period, USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service indicated that cropland values have increased by 223% and agricultural land values, including on-farm buildings, have increased by 241% (Land Values and Cash Rents Are Higher in 2018).

Clearly, the 2032A Special Use Valuation has not kept pace with the skyrocketing value of cropland and agricultural land and, as such, needs to be updated and modernized so that it fulfils its intended purpose of allowing farm and ranch families to continue their businesses in the event of a death in the family.


The IRS describes the estate tax as a tax on your right to transfer property at your death. The tax is levied at the fair market value on what is known as a 'gross estate,' which includes everything an individual owns or has certain interests in at the time of his or her death, such as cash and securities, qualified real property (real estate), insurance, trusts, annuities, business interests and other assets. Filing is required for estates with combined gross assets and prior taxable gifts exceeding $11.4 million for decedents dying in 2019. The tax rate is capped at 40%.

In 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act doubled the estate tax exemption from $5.5 million to $11 million per person through 2025. When indexed for inflation the current estate tax exemption is $11.4 million. This key change in the tax system temporarily protects most farmers and ranchers. However, those whose businesses are at the top of the exemption level continue to be subject to estate taxes and the planning costs associated with them (What Do the Tax Cuts Mean for Farmers and Ranchers?).

Section 2032A Special Use Valuation

Passed in 1976, Section 2032A Special Use Valuation is a tool to help farm and ranch families preserve their businesses by allowing family business owners to manage their estate tax liability. The provision allows farmers and ranchers to pay estate taxes on the value of farmland based on agricultural use, rather than what it would be worth if it were sold for development. For 2019, the maximum reduction in the estate value is $1.16 million.

For example:

A 5,500-acre farm

A developer may be willing to pay -

Fair market value (highest and best use) of $6,500 per acre = $35.7 million

However, if the family farm is passed down and meant to continue the business it would be valued at -

Productive Agriculture land-value = $3,000 per acre = $16.5 million

The difference in the total estate value is $19.3 million

However, the maximum amount that the estate value can be reduced is $1.16 million, making the farm's estate tax value $34.6 million. Http // mac os.

Since the first $11.4 million of any estate is exempt from taxation, the remaining $23.2 million would be taxed at a rate of up to 40%, equalling a maximum estate tax liability of $9.3 million. If the maximum reduction in the estate value was greater than $1.16 million, the estate tax burden could be greatly reduced.


To qualify for the 2032A deduction, the property must be used as a farm or in a trade or business at the time of the decedent's death, proving historical usage. Additionally, there must be proof that the land was substantially used as a farm or trade business. The IRS requires that these two qualifications be demonstrated in a specific way - 25% of the adjusted value of the estate must consist of qualified real property. For example, if the total value of the estate is $100,000, the fair market value of the land and buildings built on the land must be valued as at least 25% of the total value, or $25,000. The qualified real property must also make up at least 50% of the estate. So, for the same estate valued at $100,000, 50%, or $50,000, must be in farm assets such as equipment, livestock or agricultural land and buildings.

Additionally, the property must have been used as a farm for five of the eight years prior to the decedent's death, or a family member must have been part of the farm business with the decedent. The deduction also only stands if the farm is being passed down to an heir. A qualified heir, as defined by the IRS, is a member of the decedent's family who acquired the property and is a lineal descendant, spouse, parent or spouse of a lineal descendant.


After an executor of a farm or ranch family has elected to use Section 2032A Special Use Valuation and filled out form 706, they are committed to continue operating their farm or ranch business for 10 years. If they stop farming or ranching, sell the farm or ranch outside of the family or change the use of their property, they must repay forgiven estate taxes. In addition, certain activities that may trigger an estate tax recapture include, but are not limited to, timbering or selling a conservation easement.

If all conditions of the 2032A election are met, the property qualifies for a reduced estate tax value based on its actual specialized use. The aggregate decrease in the value of qualified real property, indexed for inflation, cannot exceed $1.16 million for 2019. This election is designed with the goal of easing the estate tax burden by providing continuity of the existing business.

Limitations of Section 2032A Special Use Valuation

The Section 2032A deduction is meant to protect family-owned farms and ranches from estate taxes. However, given the rapid inflation in farmland values, the deduction is no longer aligned with the needs of modern agriculture.

The original 2032A deduction of $750,000 was designed to increase with the pace of inflation. However, the rate of the deduction has significantly trailed the increase in farm asset values. The deduction in 2019 at $1.16 million is 55% higher than in 1997. Meanwhile, according to USDA, cropland values have increased 223% and agricultural land values, including on-farm buildings, have increased by 241% -- far above the change in the 2032A deduction.

Figure 1 illustrates the comparison between the rate of the 2032A reduction limitation compared to agricultural land values. While the 2032A deduction is increasing with inflation, it does not keep pace with the rate in which agricultural lands are increasing in value.

For further comparison, according to USDA's average cropland value data, in 1997, the special use deduction of $750,000 would have protected 591 acres of cropland and 810 acres of agricultural land, including buildings. Today, the inflation-adjusted 2032A deduction protects only 286 acres of cropland and 374 acres of agricultural land including buildings – that's 50% less land area. Figure 2 outlines the decrease in total acres protected under the 2032A reduction limitation.


Rance 4 Legacy Of The Section

The Section 2032A valuation tool for estate tax purposes was designed to provide farm and ranch families some protection from burdensome estate taxes when passing down the family business. The deduction carefully delineates between types of property eligible for the Special Use Valuation and qualifying for the 2032A election is not easy.

Though the reduction limit originally outlined in the law was updated to increase with inflation, it no longer provides the level of protection it was meant to offer farmers and ranchers.

At the current rate, the resulting savings from Section 2032A fail to compensate for the restrictions put on farm and ranch businesses. However, expanding the maximum deduction would allow more farm and ranch land to qualify for Section 2032A Special Use Valuation, making it once again a helpful estate planning tool.

Rance 4 Legacy Of The Sections

Megan Nelson
Economic Analyst
(202) 406-3629

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